Wednesday, 25 September 2013

BES 10.1 Part 2

So after spending many hours banging my head against a brick wall in trying to get the push notification working I eventually got it working. I found that the password that the push notification uses for the account that is associated with the accessing push notification cannot have any capital letters in it.

I have also read posts that certain special characters have problems so for example we found that password.1  worked well. (clearly a more secure version of this would be needed).  I then found a separate problem that exchange was not routing the responses to the push notification subscription to the BES server and was being routed via a proxy server.  Once this corrected the push notification worked.

 We have had a couple of weeks playing around with this and still have a number of concerns. The biggest concern is the amount of time it takes to get into the email where it has to connect to the secure workspace.  I found a number of issues specifically relating where the phone may have connected to a wireless but not have an internet connection such as Virgin tube wirelesses or BT captive portal type wirelesses.

 This seems to cause the application to crash or have it continually  "continuing to workspace". I have also found the app to crash  even despite having deleted it and reinstalled it.  Finally I have also found the app to be sluggish in that you will be writing an email and it will hang for a few second.  We will be shortly testing it with an iPhone 5 and while I have it on my iPad I have not used it in anger in the same way I have used it on the iPhone.  Currently I still feel that the BlackBerrys that use a MAPI connection are superior to the active synch and I also found the application to eat battery life from the phone.

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